Atviras kvietimas šokėjams Lietuvoje

Tarptautinis šiuolaikinio šokio festivalis „Naujasis Baltijos šokis“ kartu su choreografu Taneli Törmä (Danija) ieško 8 šokėjų Lietuvoje, kurie norėtų tapti spektaklio „ALIEN“ kūrybinės komandos dalimi. Spektaklio premjera įvyks šių metų gegužės 11-13 d., festivalio metu. Spektaklio sukūrimas ir pristatymas organizuojami bendradarbiaujant su tarptautiniu tinklu „Big Pulse Dance Alliance“. 

Spektaklis „ALIEN“ yra besikeičiantis kūrinys, pristatomas skirtinguose Europos miestuose, atliekamas vietinių šokio profesionalų. „ALIEN“ – tai odė šokiui. Tai didelė, gyva skulptūra viešoje vietoje. Tai abstraktus, ritualinis veiksmas ir duoklė kiekvienam, bent kartą patyrusiam svetimumo jausmą.

Daugiau informacijos apie atvirą kvietimą ir kaip jame dalyvauti pateikiama žemiau:


International Contemporary Dance Festival “New Baltic Dance” and the choreographer Taneli Törmä (production company: Location X) are looking for 8 dancers to join the performance “ALIEN”, which will premiere in Lithuania in May 2023.

 “ALIEN” is a transformative work of art performed by various professional dance communities. Taneli Törmä’s / Location X’s “ALIEN” will be implemented for the first time in Lithuania, bringing it from a museum space and a theatre stage to a public place for the first time. 

 “ALIEN” will be studied and embodied by eight professional dancers connected to the city. The structure of the work is inspired by previous treatises in Denmark and Finland with local dancers. 

 “ALIEN” is a meditative and timeless dance inspired by club and folk dance styles. A large, moving and living statue in a public space. An abstract and ritual action as well as a tribute to anyone who has at some point experienced themselves as strangers.

 “ALIEN” is an ode to dance. Can dance be just a movement, a timeless dance? What do different types of movement / movement to the beat of music evoke in us, both as individuals and as a group? What is the impact of a community on our experience?

 Feeling of longing as an individual. We may all have a longing of being a part of a larger community. A community as new as it is a thing of the past. This brings a sense of strangeness and alienation to life. Taneli wants to play with these thoughts. Could “ALIEN” be a tribute to those who feel alienated in their lives in different ways?

This work will premiere in Lithuania in collaboration with the Big Pulse Dance Alliance.

More information about Taneli Törmä – LOCATION X

Nuotrauka: AdeY


Work period: 02-10th of May 2023

Rehearsals: 6-8 hours per day, in Vilnius

Performance: 11-13th of May 2023

Salary: 1000 Eur (brutto). 




Dancers should be professionals, aged around 18-60. Dancers are expected to have an interest in club and folk dance styles and an open attitude towards contemporary choreography.

Send a free-form application (max. 300 words in English) and CV to info@dance.lt

Please describe your motivation to participate in the implementation of the work and your relationship with the city of Vilnius.

We hope that you will attach a short dance video (approximately 1 min. long) of yourself with the application. This will help us get acquainted with you as a dancer.

DEADLINE: 20th of February 2023

„Big Pulse Dance Alliance“ yra finansuojamas pagal Europos Sąjungos programą „Kūrybiška Europa“.

New Baltic Dance